
I just saw a post on Facebook that really irritated me and I just want to talk about it for a second.

This post was talking about mothers and fathers. It said that mothers need to take responsibility for their kids, which I agree with, but it also went on to say “as a women you made the choice to keep the baby so you need to take ALL the responsibility for what you did.” Along with this, it said that women shouldn’t make a big deal about the fathers not being in the kid’s life.

Excuse me but the father made the choice as well. The women didn’t conceive the baby on her own. It takes TWO! He also needs to take responsibility for his actions and grow up too. He should be a dad…not just a “father.” It should not all fall on the mother because the “father” just doesn’t want to be there.

And this goes the other way too. BOTH parents should be there for their child. BOTH made the decision to do what it takes to have a child so BOTH should be there.

When you get pregnant or get a women pregnant then it is time to grow up and take responsibility for your actions. I don’t care if you “aren’t ready” or whatever your excuse is, it’s not about you anymore. Your child is what’s important. They didn’t ask to be here. YOU put them here.

If you are a single parent then that is wonderful. I applaud you because you stepped up and are doing your best to fill two positions in your child’s life. And I understand that a parent might not be able to be there for certain reasons. But if they just walk away…..A person should NEVER glorify this or say that not being there for your kid is okay.

Posted on February 23, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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